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Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallets
iPhone and Android apps are available with popular choices including:

wallet Copay DOWNLOAD
Copay is a Bitcoin wallet by Bitpay and available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. Because Copay is available on multiple platforms, it’s easy to use the same wallet or accounts across multiple devices.

Copay’s simple, clean user interface makes it a good choice for new Bitcoin users. Copay is also a good option for businesses due to a shared account feature, which requires a certain number of users to sign each transaction. Two co-founders, for example, could create a 2 of 2 wallet where both will be required to sign each transaction.

wallet breadwallet (Android) DOWNLOAD
Breadwallet started out as the most popular wallet for iPhone, and now it is also available for Adroid devices running Android 6.0 or higher. The simplicity and easy-to-use security makes it a great place to start for users who are new to bitcoin.

wallet Airbitz DOWNLOAD
AirBitz is another Bitcoin wallet that’s great for everyday use. It’s integrated with Fold, meaning you can get 20% discounts at Starbucks from within the wallet.

Airbitz manages accounts with usernames and passwords, but doesn’t have access to your funds. This type of account creation is easier for less technical users who may have trouble backing up or understanding HD seeds.

Best Bitcoin Software Wallets

Bitcoin software wallets are downloaded to your computer, give you more control and do not depend on third-party services. Most software bitcoin wallets require a day or so to download the blockchain before they are ready for use.

wallet Armory DOWNLOAD
Armory is the most mature, secure and full featured Bitcoin wallet but it can be technologically intimidating for users. Whether you are an individual storing $1,000 or institution storing $1,000,000,000 this is the most secure option available. Users are in complete control all Bitcoin private keys and can setup a secure offline-signing process in Armory.

wallet Bitcoin Core DOWNLOAD
Bitcoin Core is the “official” Bitcoin client and wallet, though isn’t used by many due to slow speeds and a lack of features. Bitcoin Core, however, is a full node, meaning it helps verify and transmit other Bitcoin transactions across the network and stores a copy of the entire blockchain. This offers better privacy since Core doesn’t have to rely on data from external servers or other peers on the network. Bitcoin Core routed through Tor is considered one of the best ways to use Bitcoin privately.

Best Hybrid Bitcoin Wallets
Hybrid Bitcoin allow you to both control the private keys and have the easy of use of a web wallet.

wallet Copay DOWNLOAD
Copay is a Bitcoin wallet by Bitpay and available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. Because Copay is available on multiple platforms, it’s easy to use the same wallet or accounts across multiple devices.

Copay’s simple, clean user interface makes it a good choice for new Bitcoin users. Copay is also a good option for businesses due to a shared account feature, which requires a certain number of users to sign each transaction. Two co-founders, for example, could create a 2 of 2 wallet where both will be required to sign each transaction.

Best Bitcoin Web Wallets
Bitcoin web wallets are the easiest and most convenient to use but are potentially less secure than the above options because the private keys to your bitcoins are usually held by a third-party.

Due to the large number of security breaches where people have lost bitcoins, we do not recommend any of the current Bitcoin web wallets. A wallet like Copay can be used on mobile & desktop. It provides the benefits of a software wallet and is easy to use across many devices. Copay also helps you securely share wallets with other people.

Best Bitcoin Hardware Wallets
Bitcoin hardware wallets are the most secure because they do not expose your private keys to the network.

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